Clothing and Apparel for Sale
All are items I’ve custom-designed with Epix – every item is durable, athlete-friendly and with a great design – from a light cycling jacket, to tri tops & bottoms, to arm warmers and coolers, the items are made of high quality materials and very artistically detailed. I have sizes of each on hand you can try on if you’re in the SA area; the additional links on provide information on item description and sizing. I sell all items at cost - no profit for me!
LOCALLY PRODUCED LONESTAR MULTISPORTS ITEMS AVAILABLE TOO! Before getting with Epix Performance Apparel, I’d had cycling jerseys done in two different designs and have a few left in stock. I also have hats, long & Short sleeve shirts, sweat shirts and bags with the LSMS name and logo. And I can get any sizes I’m out of in a short period of time. I’m selling the items at cost – you pay what I pay. The times are made of good material and wear well.